How to Get Investors To Say "Yes"!
Let's face it...
Trying to get funding can be extremely frustrating.
You have limited funds to make your business happen and to keep it going.  You can try to bootstrap it as long as you can, but the reality is “It takes money to make money.”  This is true whether you’re trying to build something innovative and disruptive, or something local.

And any business that’s going to be a huge success needs investment.  Thus, you’ll need investors.  More importantly, you need investors to say “Yes.”  That’s why I created The OPM Formula, to give you the best shot at getting that “Yes.”

The problem is, the vast majority of entrepreneurs don’t know the intricacies and “unspoken rules” of getting investment.  They google, read, watch YouTube videos, and “wing it” as best they can.  Throw enough darts, and one may hit the bullseye, right?  Possibly, but highly unlikely.

Being unprepared will result in repeated rejections.
Be honest.  How prepared are you to seek investment?
  • Perhaps you created a pitch deck.  Is is any good?  Does it hit all the points investors are looking for?  Is it too long?  Too wordy?  Too confusing?  Unprofessional looking?  Too professional looking?
  • ​Do you have a business plan?  What's its purpose?
  • What's in your executive summary?  Why?
  • Do you have a solid elevator pitch?  Does it grab attention?
  • ​How about your projections?  Are they too optimistic?  Are they too conservative?  What are they based on?
  • ​Do you unknowingly come off needy or desperate?
  • ​Does the investor have all the leverage?
  • ​What is at the core of why an investor should want to hear your pitch?
  • ​Have you prepared an answer for every possible question or objection they could have?
  • ​Do you know the two things investors are solely focused on at all times?
  • ​Do you know what investors fear the most?  Hint: it’s not losing money.
  • ​How do you prepare for pitch meetings?
  • ​Do you do any Monday morning quarterbacking after a pitch meeting?
It's not luck.  There's an art and science to landing investors.
And I’ve boiled it down into an intensive course that I call The OPM Formula.
  A step by step program and action plan to maximize your odds of getting funding, with over 3 hours of information-packed videos.
And it will also save you a lot of time, not just the time wasted researching what to do, but the time wasted reaching out to and pitching investors when you’re not prepared.  Not only is time money, but the time saved could actually save your business.  You may have the greatest product, a potential unicorn, but If you don’t get investment before your money runs out, you’re sunk.  Game over.

If you're serious about getting funded, you need to stop "winging it," and use a formula developed from 30 years of insider knowledge.
Special Introductory Price of Just $197!
Limited Time Offer!
Hi, My name is Matt Fortnow
I know what you're going through.  In the very early days of the internet, three friends and I started up an internet company.  We were the first ones to create a website where you could play fantasy sports.

We poured our heart and soul into the company while we still had our day jobs.  Every evening after work, weekends too, we would meet up and work on the internet company, developing new features, testing, responding to customer emails, marketing, admin, we all wore many hats.
The good news was the company started gaining some traction, customers were signing up, some revenue coming in, and the feedback from customers was great, and it was awesome knowing we were providing a needed solution.

The bad news was the hamster wheel started spinning faster.  We were often working for the internet company late into the night: 1:00, 2:00, 4:00am... then back to work at our day jobs in a few hours.
At that point, we knew we needed funding
But when it came to seeking investment, it felt like we were constantly bumping into furniture with the lights out.  This was before the big internet boom.  And although we tried really hard, no investors were interested in funding us.

Honestly, we didn’t know what the heck we were doing when it came to getting investment.
 So I made it my mission to figure out what we were doing wrong, and how to fix it:
Why weren’t investors interested?  What were they looking for?  What were their concerns?  What was lacking in our presentation?

While I was diving deep into finding answers, as a last ditch effort to keep our company ahead of the creeping competition, we used our limited resources to have one of the guys (the main programmer) work full time for the company.  This put a serious time constraint on finding investment.

Furiously trying to figure everything out, we had exhausted our connections, and responses to our queries had boiled down to two remaining potential investors.  It felt like do or die at that point.

And we nailed it.
We got that “Yes”!  And the rest is history.
We got a real office and were able to ramp up our staff.  We were also able to quit our day jobs and work full time for the company.  Those were the best times of my life.  It was like hanging out with my friends all day.  Of course we were working hard, but it didn’t seem like work.

It was awesome.  Every day I was excited and energized, building an incredible business with my friends, that had lots of satisfied customers.

But the story doesn’t end there...
A couple of years later we sold the company for 8 figures.
The money was great, but the feeling of accomplishment, the culmination of all our effort was the true reward, knowing that we made a difference in our customers’ lives.

And it would not have happened without funding.
Since, I’ve been involved in multiple companies, from both sides of the investment table.  One of the companies I'm involved in recently closed a $1million+ seed round with an 8 figure valuation.

You can do it too!
Me with Gary V on Marketing For the Now:
Imagine having the money to really make something of your business or idea...
Imagine if you raised $100,000, or even $1,000,000.  How many people’s problems could your business solve?  What impact could you make on the world?

Imagine a life where you wake up energized every morning, excited to go to work, because you’re working for yourself.  You’re the boss.  And you have a real shot at the big time.

Imagine being the hero to your family, the people who work with you, and all the others who've sacrificed along with you.

Imagine the ultimate riches you could reap from a successful business, and the recognition you would achieve.
To help you get there, I packed together all my knowledge and experience, and created...
  A step by step program and action plan to maximize your odds of getting funding, with over 3 hours of information-packed videos.
Special Introductory Price of Just $197!
Limited Time Offer!
What You'll Learn:
  • Video 1: We start with the basics about your burn rate, runway and how to extend the runway.
  • Video 2: Then we get into the details about equity, how to calculate investor equity and determining your company's valuation.
  • Video 3: The pluses and minuses of debt vs. equity financing.  We’ll also go into detail about convertible debt and how to calculate investor’s equity upon conversion.
  • Video 4: We’ll go in depth about the different investment rounds.
  • Video 5: The two things on every investor’s mind at all times, and where your business or idea should be in relation to them.
  • Video 6: What investors are really looking for, and also an investor’s biggest fear (hint: it’s not losing money).
  • Video 7: Complete breakdown of all sections of a business plan.
  • Video 8: How to create a killer pitch deck.  It’s absolutely vital to know what should and and shouldn’t go into your pitch deck and how the information should be presented.
  • Video 9: Secrets to crafting the ultimate elevator pitch.  You only get one chance to make that first impression.  Be memorable.
  • Video 10: We'll be writing pitch letters that pique interest, with techniques that will generate more responses.
  • Video 11: How to prepare for and crush the investor pitch meeting... and get the investor to say “Yes”!
Includes All of the Following:
Online Course
This 11 video course with over 3 hours of information-packed content is your key to getting investors to say “Yes” so you can get your business or idea funded, take it to the next level and enter the ranks of successful entrepreneurs. 
Course Outlines
These detailed outlines of The OPM Formula videos provide a shortcut to mastering the information and techniques in the course, so you can get funded sooner and have the ability to make your business or idea a huge success. 
Course Workbook
This 50+ page workbook for The OPM Formula course guides you to applying the information and techniques to your specific business or idea, which will deepen your understanding, significantly increasing the chance of investors saying “Yes”. 
Pre-Meeting Checklist
You get one initial meeting with an investor, so when you meet, you need to nail it.  Like the pre-flight checklist pilots use, this Pre-Meeting Checklist will ensure that you're fully prepared for each investor meeting, so you can crush it and get that "Yes", taking your business to new heights.
Post Meeting Analysis Guide
Like Grandmaster chess players who analyze their games, and coaches who pore over game film, you need to determine what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong, with the goal of constant improvement, so you can ever increase your odds of crushing pitch meetings and landing an investor. 
Sample Pitch Decks and Slides
These five high profile pitch decks and slides provide real life insight and understanding of what it takes to create a killer pitch deck that’s going to wow investors, so you can not only get more pitch meetings, but also give investors the confidence to say “Yes”. 
Sample Pitch Letters
These sample pitch letters (in .docx format for easy use) are the key to landing multiple investor meetings so you can be in the driver’s seat and choose the investors you want, and not have to take the first deal that comes along. 
Special Introductory Price of Just $197!
Limited Time Offer!
Make 2024 the Year You Take Your Business to the Next Level!
If you're not satisfied for any reason, email us within 60 days and we'll refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.
Who is The OPM Formula for?
  • Entrepreneurs who started or are starting a new business
  • Anyone that wants to take their existing business to a much higher level
  • Anyone with a great idea for a business or product
  • Anyone who's ever wanted to start a business and make it big
  • Anyone running a side hustle, and wants to scale it up
Even if you haven’t started a business or don’t even have an idea for a business or product, The OPM Formula is still for you.  Because the fact that you are on this page means that at some point you want to start a business, escape the rat race, and make tons of money.  For that, you’re going to need the knowledge and skills taught in The OPM Formula.  Frankly, I’m not sure how long I’m going to be offering it for only $197.
Is getting investment realistic?
Absolutely!  According to CB Insights, funding for startups in 2022 totaled over $415 billion. And 66% of the deals were for early-stage companies.

Angel investors are looking to invest in businesses and ideas.  Why not yours?

For just $197, you can give yourself a realistic shot at landing investors.  And once you do, your life will change in an instant!  Do not let this opportunity slip away.
Why you need to get The OPM Formula now:
Have you ever come up with a great idea for a product or business, only to see it come out later by someone else?  You had that idea first, and someone else is profiting from it.  This has happened to me, and if you haven’t experienced it, it’s like getting kicked in the gut.  If I had only executed on that idea, I’d have profited from it, instead of someone else.

If you have an idea, you need to get it out there AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, before someone else gets the same idea.  Being an entrepreneur is all about executing.  And to execute on ideas, you’re going to need investment ASAP.  Even if you don’t yet have an idea, you need to get a head start on your knowledge about getting investment, so that when the idea comes, you can hit the ground running.

Make a commitment to your future.  The OPM Formula may even inspire you to come up with that killer idea.
Fast-Track Your Success!
You could try to get funding without The OPM Formula, but you'll be spending tons of time figuring out the investment game and suffering needless repeated rejection.  Why go through all that, when you can save all that time and heartache and learn from my 30 years of experience?  For only $197!

With the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain: success of your business, helping more customers, being the hero to those who sacrificed with you, and a more fulfilling, energized life.
Here’s a Recap of
When You Purchase The OPM Formula!
  • Online Course ($1,997 Value)   
  • Course Outlines ($197 Value)
  • Course Workbook ($97 Value)
  • Pre-Meeting Checklist ($67 Value)
  • Post Meeting Analysis Guide ($67 Value)
  • Sample Pitch Decks and Slides ($57 Value)
  • Sample Pitch Letters ($57 Value)

Total Value: $2,539
Special Introductory Price of Just $197!
Limited Time Offer!

Another perspective on value:
If The OPM Formula was the difference between getting your business or idea funded or not, how much would that be worth to you?
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

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